At the beginning of high school, Michaiah Williams was a “quiet, shy, and reserved” young lady – a far cry from who she is now. Today Michaiah is a senior at Detroit Edison Public School Academy of Excellence and one of our most outstanding academy scholars.
Her experience with the Boys Hope Girls Hope Academy helped her come out of her shell. Her mentors empowered her and saw potential in her that she did not see in herself. Since then, Michaiah has shown a willingness to step out of her comfort zone and challenge herself to continue growing into an outstanding young adult, all the while maintaining a 3.9 overall GPA in school.
With help, Michaiah discovered her love for performing and became more confident as a leader and activist for causes she cares about. One of her most recent highlights was her contribution to the BHGH’s Annual Festival of Hope, in which she dubbed the theme for the event; “The Winter Odyssey”. Throughout the development of this service event, she attended every “All In” social justice session, helped with the planning and development, and presented our plan for the Winter Odyssey in front of the entire “All In” cohort, which led to us winning a $500 contribution for our service project.
With all her time and effort, she earned the title of “Philanthropist of the Year” yielding the most service hours of any scholar.